Vision and Mission


Among the Navaho and Hopi, the Whirling Rainbow is a prophecy and a promise of peace for all Nations and all people through the understanding that all races are one. The Whirling Rainbow vision is to unite the people of the four sacred colors; all creeds working together for the good of the whole. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures, the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be realized


Our Mission is to awaken the heart of humanity, manifesting the full potential of the human spirit to co-create a world of unity, love, and peace with the self, family, community and the earth. Through its own projects and working together with similar organizations, the Whirling Rainbow Foundation celebrates all paths to wholeness through the universal languages of music, dance, cultural, visual and healing arts


The Whirling Rainbow Foundation is an international spiritual and educational 501c3 non-profit organization honoring and celebrating the diverse cultural and spiritual paths of the human family. The foundation is a “multiversity” for the arts, addressing the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual growth of the global community. We cultivate the universal teachings of inner peace, loving compassion, wisdom and understanding at the core of every tradition.



Rainbow Hoop


Grandmother Drum International Peace Project

The Mission of the GrandMother Drum International Peace Project is to travel the world as the foundation’s global ambassador of love and spiritual unity, cultivating its mission of peace, spiritual awakening and earth sustainability.  The largest healing drum of its kind in the world, the seven-foot, crystal inlaid Grandmother Drum sounds the universal heartbeat of love that connects all nations and cultures through the global language of music, dance, cultural, performance and healing arts.


Rainbow Fire Mystery School

The mission of the Rainbow Fire Mystery School is to teach the truths, esoteric keys, initiations and practices of the world’s great spiritual traditions for both personal and planetary healing and awakening. Through courses, workshops, initiations, meditation practices and ceremonies, these keys activate the divine blueprint within all of us, deepening our conscious union with the divine and restoring our miraculous power to be the living hands of the Creator in the here and now. The Rainbow Fire Mystery School inspires each individual to manifest their highest service on Earth and provides extensive training for healers, artists, teachers and spiritual seekers in transformational healing methods.


Global Peace Sanctuary & Sustainable Community
Northern Lights Peace Sound Temple

Our vision is to design and build global peace sanctuaries and sustainable communities with golden age sound temples, green energy, organic gardens and energy generating earthen sculptures with attention to astronomical and sacred geometry, perma-culture and sacred sound. Our mission is to cultivate earth sustainable practices through community projects, products, indigenous seed preservation, organic farming, sacred site restoration, land preservation and green energy practices.


Global Art Collective

The Mission of the Global Art Collective is to capture, create and illuminate a new artistic mythos for an emerging global culture of spiritual unity and oneness, celebrating cultural diversity and the individual’s unique expression of Spirit. We inspire an expressive global art culture through visionary paintings, multimedia presentations, digital media, video, music, literature, ritual performance, and ceremonial arts.

  • To design and build golden age temples, gardens, sanctuaries, energy generating earthen sculptures and installations with attention to astronomical and sacred geometry, earth resonate architecture, and sacred sound.


“Thank you for your gift to Spirit and humanity and the sacred energy of Grandmother Drum to change the resonance of the land from fear to Ascension for all those beautiful souls. The Whirling Rainbow’s work is so important. My love to you always and in all ways.” -Kirian Khadroma