Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony

Giving Back to Mother Earth One Day a Year  


Join Us – NEXT GLOBAL CEREMONY: September 22, 2024
Trained Global Light workers, Sound Healers and Community Drum Keepers conduct the full day Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony on every September Equinox along 62 Planetary Grid Points to activate the “chi” or energy of the Planetary Grid, recharging and renewing the earth’s songlines through the transparency of the sacred Blue Flame.



Blue Flame Planetary Grid Telecourse


Detailed instructions are given to trained Grid Point Leaders on using the power of the drum, a specific mantra, fire ceremony and offerings and the ancient solfeggio music to assist in healing of all lands, water and air as well as bring us back into resonance and harmony with the Cosmic Tone of Oneness and our own Divine Nature.

Click the links below for PDF downloads.

Illuminate with Me
Purify in Innocence
Purify in Power
Purify in Strength
Purify is Wisdom
Purify in Truth
Purify in Grace
All Aspects of My Being
I am that I am, The Divine Heavenly Blue Fire
I am the Blue Fire
I am the Blue Fire
I am the Blue Fire


Join Us - Equinox September 22

If you want to be part of our 62 trained leaders email us!

Training involves:

  2. LISTEN TO a previous pre-ceremony call. DOWNLOAD HERE

Grandmother Drum and our DRUM FOR CHANGE GLOBAL NETWORK activate ancient sacred sites along the leylines or meridians of the earth to strengthen the land and unify humanity to care for it and each other. Scientist Bethe Hagens, co-creator of Google Earth’s new Planetary Grid Maps, made clear in her studies that the spots where several leylines meet are enormously potent for the planet. “The Earth is really a living crystal being with a geometric skeleton that could be mapped in its patterns of energy flows.. in ocean currents, the winds, river systems, and distributions of precious minerals. say’s Hagens. “It even seemed that ancient humans had known this sacred, hidden body of the Earth, and sited their civilizations to take advantages of her very visceral powers.”


62 Grid Points Of Mother Earth

Grid Point 1: Africa: On the Egyptian continental shelf in the Mediterranean Sea between the two outlets of the Nile at Masabb Rashid and Masabb Dumyat (31.72°N, 31.20°E) GP Leader Rhonda Joy Eagle, Golan Israel 

Grid Point 2: Europe: Gomel at the boundary junction of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (52.62°N, 31.20°E). GP Leader Amy Burgoyne Location of actual ceremony: Carmel Maine, USA

Grid Point 3: Euroasia: Russia. In the marshy lowlands west of Tobolsk, Siberia (58.28°N, 67.20°E) GP Leader Elisabeth Dyrmose Location of actual ceremony: Denmark

Grid Point 4: Asia: Russia. In the lowlands north of the southern tip of Lake Baikal (52.62° N, 103.20° E). GP Leader Julie Davis Location of actual ceremony Patagonia Lake, Patagonia Arizona

Grid Point 5: Asia: Russia. In the highlands along the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk (58.28° N, 139.20° E)GP Leader Petra (Petrichor Gavin). Location of actual ceremony. Bellfountain Oregon in the west foothills between Corvallis and Eugene.

Grid Point 6: North Pacific Ocean: Bearing Sea. East of Attu at the western tip of the Aleutian Islands (52.62° N, 175.20° E) GP Leader: ATOM Center Dawn Kelly and Ann Wingquest  Location of actual ceremony: Anchorage, Alaska

Grid Point 7: North America: Edge of continental shelf in the Gulf of Alaska south of Homer (58.28° N, 148.80°W):  GP Leader White Eagle Medicine Woman. Location of actual ceremony: Whirling Rainbow Center, Homer Alaska

Grid Point 8: North America: Canada. Buffalo Lake, Alberta, Rocky Mountains (52.62° N, 112.80° W) GP Leader: Michaela Baumgartner Location of actual ceremony: Whirling Rainbow Center Homer, Alaska

Grid Point 9: North America: Canada. East of Port Harrison on Hudson Bay (58.28° N, 76.80° W) GP Leader: Alara Payton, Location of actual ceremony near Calgary, Alberta

Grid Point 10: Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Gibbs Fracture Zone near Greenland and Iceland (52.62°N, 40.80° W) GP Leader: Takanaiya Schanne Location of actual ceremony: Denmark

Grid Point 11: Europe: Scotland. Loch More on the west coast of Scotland (58.28° N, 4.80° W). Grid Point Leader Laura Barbour Location of Ceremony Lanarkshire, UK.

Grid Point 12: Asia: Pakistan. Kirthar Range bordering the Indus River Valley north of Karachi (26.57° N, 67.20° E) GP Leader: Sage Emery Location of actual ceremony: Captain Cook, Hawaii

Grid Point 13:Asia: China. At the east edge of the Himalaya in Sichuan Province, west of the Jiuding Shan Mountain (31.72° N, 103.20° E). GP Leader Alea Racht Location of ceremony Mechanicsburg, PA which is close to Harrisburg PA. USA with GP Leader 14.

Grid Point 14: Asia: Philippine Sea. At the intersection of Kyushu-Palau-Ridge, the West Mariana Ridge and the Iwo Jima Ridge (26.57° N, 139.20° E) GP Leader Susan Kline Location of actual ceremony  Mechanicsburg, PA which is close to Harrisburg PA. USA

Grid Point 15: Pacific Ocean. At the intersection of Hess Plateau, the Hawaiian Ridge and the Emperor Seamounts (31.72° N, 175.20° E) GP Leader Jimmy Collocas and Sage Emery Location of Ceremony: South Point, Big Island Hawaii

Grid Point 16: Pacific Ocean. Northeast of Hawaii between the Murray Fracture Zone and the Molokai Fracture Zone (26.57° N, 148.80° W) GP Leader: Cheryl  RainbowEagle Location of actual ceremony: Island of Maui, Hawaii.

Grid Point 17: North America: Mexico. Cerro Cubabi Mountain near the US border and Sonoita (31.72° N, 112.80° W). GP Leader: Jason Pickard Location of actual ceremony Hudson, New York

Grid Point 18: Atlantic Ocean. Edge of continental shelf near Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas (26.57° N, 76.80° W) GP Leader, Aumrak Sapper Location of actual ceremony: Canada

Grid Point 19: Mid Atlantic Ocean: Atlantis Fracture Zone (31.72° N, 40.80° W) GP Leader Andrea Jeffries Location of actual Ceremony: Portugal

Grid Point 20: Africa: Algeria. El Eglab at the edge of the Sahara Desert sand dunes (26.57° N, 4.80° W) Grid Point Leader Shelly Firefly Location of actual ceremony New London, Wisconsin USA

Grid Point 21: Africa: Sudan. At the edge of White Nile Marshfields (10.81° N, 31.20° E) Grid Point Leader: White Eagle Medicine Woman Location of actual ceremony: Whirling Rainbow Center, Homer, Alaska

Grid Point 22: Indian Ocean: Arabian Sea. Somali Abyssal Plain (0°, 49.20° E) GP Leader Gaia*Tamar Saday Location of actual ceremony near Topanga, California

Grid Point 23: Indian Ocean: Vema Trench at the intersection of the Mascarene Ridge, the Carlsberg Ridge and the Maldive Ridge (10.81° S, 67.20° E)  GP Leader Shirley Howell (Rainy) CEREMONY BEING held in Cottage Grove, Oregon

Grid Point 24: Indian Ocean: Ceylon Abyssal Plain (0°, 85.20° E)

Grid Point 25: Asia: Bay of Kompong Som on the southern coast of Cambodia (10.81° N, 103.20° E). Grid Point Leaders: Denise Mooncat Gore Location of actual ceremony North Carolina

Grid Point 26: Asia: Indonesia. At the midpoint of Teluk, Tomini, a bay in the northern area of Sulawesi (0°, 121.20° E) GP Leader: Nicola Pearson The actual ceremony will be held in “Las Alpujarras”, Andalusia, Spain

Grid Point 27: Australia: Midpoint of the mouth of the Gulf of Carpentaria (10.81° S, 139.20° E)  Grid Point Leader: Cedar Running Deer Whelan from 165 Parry St, Hamilton East, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. contact

Grid Point 28: Mid Pacific Ocean: Solomon Plateau (0°, 157.20° E Grid Point Leader Ayako Matsuo. Location of ceremony Manchester, UK

Grid Point 29: Mid Pacific Ocean: Midpoint of abyssal plain between Marshall Islands, Mid-Pacific Mountains and Magellan Plateau (10.81° N, 175.20° E).  Grid Point Leader: Chanci Herer-Tjernlund, Eugene, Oregon.

Grid Point 30: Mid Pacific Ocean. Nova Canton Trough close to Polynesia (0°, 166.80° W)

Grid Point 31: Mid Pacific Ocean. French Polynesia, Society Islands (10.81° S, 148.80° W). GP Leader GaiaMaria Westerhoff Location of actual ceremony, Creswell Oregon 

Grid Point 32: Mid South Pacific Ocean. Galapagos Fracture Zone (0°, 130.80° W) GP Leader, Blue Thunder and Ann Rainbowfeather GP Leader, Location of actual ceremony: Devon England.

Grid Point 33: Mid Pacific Ocean. East End of Clipperton Fracture Zone (10.81° N, 112.80° W)

GP Leader Amba AlianaHi Location of Ceremony: Lenox, Massachusetts

Grid Point 34: Mid Pacific Ocean. Junction of Coeos Ridge and Carnegie Ridge west of the Galapagos Islands (0°, 94.80° W) GP Leader Massachusetts Susanne Steinel Location of Ceremony: Berlin, Germany. 

Grid Point 35: South America: Peru. Lake Punnum in coastal highlands (10.81° S, 76.80° W) Eden Rose, Grid Point Leader, Ceremony Held on Lopez Island, WA.

Grid Point 36: South America: Brazil. State of Amazonas at the tip of minor watershed highlands (0°, 58.80° W) Grid Point Leader Sandra Hamlin Location of actual ceremony British Columbia

Grid Point 37: Vema Fracture Zone (10.81 degrees N, 40.80 degrees W) Grid Point Leader Catherine Berendsohn – email:

Grid Point 38: Mid Atlantic Ocean: Romance Fracture Zone (0°, 22.80° W) Grid Point Leader Pat Murphy Location of actual ceremony near Paris Landing, Tennessee

Grid Point 39: Mid Atlantic Ocean. Edge of Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Angola Basin southeast of Ascension Fracture Zone (10.81° S, 4.80° W)

Grid Point 40: Africa: Gabon highlands (0°, 13.20° W). Grid Point Leaders Robin Nardini and Whitney Duncan: Location of actual ceremony: Soldotna Alaska 

Grid Point 41: Africa: South Africa. Luyengo on the Usutu River in Swaziland (26.57° S, 31.20° E). GP Leader: Tish Todtenhöfer. Location of actual ceremony: South Africa 

Grid Point 42: Indian Ocean. Intersection of the Mid-Indian Ridge and Southwest Indian Ridge (31.72° S, 67.20° E) GP Leader: Hans George.  Location of actual ceremony: Germany 

Grid Point 43: Indian Ocean: Tip of the Wallaby Plateau (26.57° S, 103.20° E)

Grid Point 44: Australia: South Australia. In a lowland area east of St. Mary Peak and northeast of Spencer Gulf (31.72° S, 139.20° E). GP Leader Pati Hueneke Golden Eagle Paramashanti email Location of actual ceremony, Canberra, Australia.

Grid Point 45: South Pacific Ocean. At the edge of the Hebrides Trench, southwest of the Fiji Islands (26.57° S, 175.20° E) GP Leader Timna El Sharon. Actual location of ceremony, Israel

Grid Point 46:South Pacific Ocean (36.72° S, 148.80° W). GP Leader  Yvonne Thibodeau Location of actual ceremony near Old Town Maine USA

Grid Point 47: East Pacific Ocean: Easter Island Fracture Zone (26.57° S, 112.80° W)

Grid Point 48: East Pacific Ocean. Nazca Plate (31.72° S, 76.80° W) GP Leader Diana Goodwin Location of actual ceremony Revelstoke, Canada

Grid Point 49: South Atlantic Ocean. At the edge of the continental shelf southeast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (26.57° S, 40.80° W). Grid Point Leader Debra Doornbos Location of actual ceremony: Anchorage Alaska 

Grid Point 50: South Atlantic Ocean. Walvis Ridge (31.72° S, 4.80° W) Grid Point Leader David Lehembre (Crystal Dancing Bear) Location of actual ceremony: Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Grid Point 51: South Atlantic Ocean. Enderby Abyssal Plain (58.28° S, 31.20° E)

Grid Point 52: South Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Plateau (52.62° S, 67.20° E)

Grid Point 53: South Indian Ocean. Ocean floor between Kerguelen Abyssal Plain and Wilkes Abyssal Plain (58.28° S, 103.20° E)

Grid Point 54: Southeast Indian Ocean: Kangaroo Fracture Zone (52.62° S, 139.20° E) Grid Point Leader Melinda Patterson Location of actual ceremony, Anchorage Alaska

Grid Point 55: South Pacific Ocean. Edge of Scott Fracture Zone (58.28° S, 175.20° E)

Grid Point 56: South Pacific Ocean. Udintsev Fracture Zone (52.62° S, 148.80° W)

Grid Point 57: South Pacific Ocean. Eltanin Fracture Zone (58.28° S, 112.80° W)

Grid Point 58: South Pacific Ocean. South American tip at the edge of the Haeckel Deep (52.62° S, 76.80° W)

Grid Point 59: South Atlantic Ocean. South Sandwich Fracture Zone (58.28° S, 40.80° W). GP Leader Aolus Star Feather Location of actual ceremony: Oregon. 

Grid Point 60: South Atlantic Ocean. Bouvet Fracture Zone (52.62° S, 4.80° W)

Grid Point 61: The North Pole: GP Leader Becky Graywolf Location of actual ceremony: South central Pennsylvania.

Grid Point 62: The South Pole:  GP Leader Linda, Location of Ceremony: Holdfast, Saskatewan, Canada

Spiritual Point 63: The Whole Earth GP Leader White Eagle Medicine Woman

Spiritual Point 64: Within Yourself ALL OF US!

“We have a fantastic Blue Flame Planetary Grid ceremony in Herning, Denmark. The energy got so high and we felt the connection all over the world. Thank you all for being a part of this marvelous energy. What a great day. Looking forward to next years ceremony!” – Anni Klint, Grid Point Leader, Denmark

“I got to go to Alaska for Tarika Kai Lea‘s Life Celebration, the Blue Flame Ceremony and to receive Freedom Star (the Community Mother Drum Tarika had been holding). What a privilege and truly a magical experience!! I feel I have come to a deeper sense of my 5-fold purpose for being here on Earth at this time.” – Sona, California

“Much love and gratitude to you, Suraj and Michaela and everyone who was called to be part of the Fall Equinox Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony. I am ever grateful to be learning, discovering and growing into who I Really Am in this Sacred and Beloved community. In Lak’ech ~ Frostie Weber, GP Leader, California

“It’s is my greatest honor and joy to be apart of this Blue Flame ceremony…thank you so very much for your loving energy, commitment, dedication and love for our Mother Earth.” –Ambaree, GP Leader, Massachusettes

“I am so grateful for the magnificent beauty of this sacred Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony held here in Lenox, Ma for Grid Point 33. It was divine perfection in every way, and was held inside a blue flame temple of light, alongside the wide Snake Creek. We worked with the flame but offered our medicine to the water and then to the creek, which flows into the Housitonic River all the way to the Atlantic ocean. – Dayla, GP Leader, Massachusetts