Extensive teachings, meditation practices and cleanses to renew mind, body and spirit.

Courses include a FREE Monthly Conference Call with White Eagle.
PART 1: SPIRIT OF THE WATERS: (Water- Emotional Body) 13 Lessons
Part 1 focuses on the Healing Power of Water, Emotional Clearings Methods, Mother Earth’s new Marianna Waters and the new metals, minerals and salts are bodies will need to ground higher octaves of consciousness. Detailed instructions on specific cleanses for the renewal of the body and Daily Affirmative Prayer work.
PART 2: KEEPERS OF THE FIRE (Fire- Sexual Body) 13 Lessons
Part 2 focuses on the transformational element of Fire. These Lesson give clear guidance on how to transmute all thoughts, words, feelings and actions through the cultivation of the White Fire and Golden Key Initiations, the flame of original purity and compassion. In depth meditations include the Fire, Hara and Ha Breath work. Also included are Powerful Soul Activations, Initiations, Alignment Methods and Daily Affirmative Prayer work.
Part 3: MANNA FROM HEAVEN (Earth- Physical Body) 13 Lessons
As humanity’s ascension transforms us from homo-sapien to homo-luminous beings of light, Part 3 is packed with more dynamic meditations, spiritual guidance and the true recipe of the Mana from Heaven, the super conducive food for the light body. This program is the homo-luminous diet of the future.
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Part 4: BREATH OF ETERNAL LIFE (Air- Mental Body) 13 Lessons
Part 4 gives Extensive Sound, Breath and movement methods to activate higher states of consciousness and keep you grounded and centered with clarity and deep inner peace. Includes Daily Affirmative Prayer work.
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Part 5: BIRTH OF THE LUMINOUS SPIRIT (Ether-Spiritual Body)13 Lessons
In Part 5 gain awareness and celebrate the completion of all previous cycles, lessons, soul contracts and initiations. Design and live the life you love and love the life you live. Cultivate and stabilize the six sets of wings of the Rainbow Fire Light Body. Develop courage to fully express your divine gifts and service and collaborate as ONE within new and expanding circles. Tune and refine Light Body Awareness, fitness and discipline: taking the daily grounded steps. Commit to Excellence: Maintain your 100% YES Alignment of Thought, Feeling, Word and Action. Live fully with loving devotion to your unique role as a Planetary Light Worker and Earth Keeper.
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“The Grandmother Lessons and teachings are a rare gift to life and those who are able to see with their hearts. My heart blessings and gratitude to you (and your staff) for all you do and share. My heart to yours and in love.” -Marcia, Florida
“The lessons are profound. I feel I am being energetically and spiritually shape shifted, and enlivened to a level I have never known. I LOVE these lessons and the energy transformations they are creating in my consciousness and attention in my life. What an inspiring and exhilarating time this is! Thank you. The Lessons are beyond anything I could have imagined and my joy grows with each one. I am profoundly grateful” – Ruth, California