12th Annual GLOBAL Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony September 22, 2024

Date(s) - 09/22/2024
9:00 am - 7:00 pm


SEPTEMBER 22, 2024
12th Annual GLOBAL Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony
Activating Truth, Transparency Divine Will & Renewal Across Mother Earth
Welcome to Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony Sept 22, 2024!! The BF Ceremony is an intentional ceremony and prayer for the healing of Mother Earth and all living beings through the invocation of the spiritual Blue Flame of Truth, Transparency, Divine Will & Renewal on the 62 point Planetary Grid (Google Earth’s UVG Grid).
Welcome Grid Point Leaders, Intermediates and Beginners. Please make sure you register for this years FREE global ceremony for Mother Earth and spread the word. You can learn more about how easy you can participate and register HERE
We will host a Pre- BF Ceremony ZOOM Call to share news of the Grid from last year and about the theme of this year’s ceremony. The Pre-Ceremony Zoom call is Sept 14, 2024.
Topic: 2024 Blue Flame Planetary Grid Pre Ceremony Call
Time: Sep 14, 2024 08:30 AM Alaska
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Join LIVE in Anchorage, Alaska Ceremony: ATOM Center: Contact Dawn Kelly
Join us Live in Austria with White Eagle