Balancing the Shields Level 1 ONLINE Shamanic Training

Date(s) - 03/20/2021 - 04/10/2021
8:00 am - 12:00 pm


Learn More and Register HERE


ONLINE Training For Healers


LEVEL 1 Program Requires the Following Dates:

March 20-21, 2021: Two days of online video, audio and PDF content will go Live March 20: You can watch and review the teachings at your own pace anytime over the first week.

March 27-28 2021 LIVE ZOOM PRACTICUM with White Eagle & Michaela: Balancing the Shields FULL Demonstration Sessions 8am- 12 noon Alaska time both days

April 3-4, 2021 LIVE ZOOM PRACTICUM: with White Eagle & Michaela Balancing the Shields 8am- 12 noon Alaska time both days. Break out groups practice working with each of the 4 shields.

Week of April 5- ZOOM PRACTICUM ON YOUR OWN (pair up with another student anytime online to exchange a Balancing Shields session).

April 10, 2021 LIVE ZOOM FINAL SHIELDS INTEGRATION & BLESSING WORK:with White Eagle & Michaela 8am- 10:30 am Alaska time. Sharing what you learned, questions, The Blessing Work and wrap up.*

*Should you want to continue with the future levels of Balancing the Shields for full the Practitioner Certification, you will be required to take and pass a written exam of Balancing the Shields Level 1. This will complete your Level 1 Certification.