Solfeggio Healing: Tools & Application Techniques
Are you interested in being a Sound Healer or deepening your healing practice with Solfeggio Frequencies?
Join White Eagle Medicine Woman and learn the basics of using Solfeggio Tuning Forks & Solfeggio Tuning Tubes through numerous direct applications both on the body, for group healings and chakra meditations and for clearing and charging spaces.
Harness the primal power of Solfeggio to expand your consciousness, renew your spirit, clarify intention, deepen healing and manifest your dreams.
BOOK YOUR SPOT TODAYFREE Transformational Sound Therapy Summit
Over 4 days, 34 of the world’s leading pioneers in sound and voice therapy discover the wonders of sound, harmony, resonance, vibration, frequency, cymatics, water, magnetism, and the healing voice …as well as myriads of practical tips and techniques that you can use at home to improve your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, your relationships, and your whole perception of life.
We share knowledge of our ancestors wisdom, who mapped the stars, built geometrical, resonant temples and stone circles, aligned with the Earth and the Cosmos, where their sounds and voices reached the stars, facilitating self-healing and thriving communities.
Delving into the fascinating worlds of therapeutic sound and voice, we explore a new model of health, where everything is viewed as vibration:
- How Universal harmony resonates throughout our world sonic geometry and harmonic numbers
- The Golden Spiral and Fibonacci series in nature the Law of Attraction
- How our vibration affects our health and state of mind
- How we can use cymatics, or sound made visible, to control our mood
- Why harmonic frequencies, 432Hz, cats purrs and buzzing bees induce good feeling
- How binaural beats can be used to enhance our life
- How our voice can help heal emotional and physical trauma
- The benefits of chanting, toning, sacred song
- How to use sound to activate the chakras
- Why making sound in, and with nature, is therapeutic
Weaving ancient practices and indigenous wisdom, with modern science and cutting edge technologies, we explore how we can use sound and our voices to calm the mind, realign the body, reconnect with the Earth, reclaim our unsung song, and enable our body to retune to its natural state of harmony and optimum vibration, where we may return naturally, to a state of well-being and self- empowerment.
We explore the science of sound and how harmonic sound and frequency can be used to alleviate anxiety, pain management, depression, PTSD and many chronic illnesses and stress-related diseases.
We explore how sound and frequency can be used to entrain brainwaves, to de-stress, help us relax, gain control over our thoughts, emotions and other challenges.
REGISTER HEREFREE Presentation: Healy Frequency Device
Zoom Recorded Video with Michaela Baumgartner
Michaela will speak about various sound healing tools with the focus on a brand new FREQUENCY MACHINE. This sound healing device was developed in Germany by a quantum physicist who spent many years meditating as a monk in India. His vision was to develop a healing device that could be used in each household.
The healing principle is to restore cell membranes.
Our cells need a certain voltage to be “healthy” cells, the reason why frequency healing actually works. What makes this particular device different from any other frequency machine currently on the market is two-fold: 1) It has a quantum sensor in it and can be used for long distance healing. 2) The machine tests what frequencies YOU resonate with and only vibrates what you actually need. In that sense, it is individualized.
“I just watched your thorough presentation and LOVED it! Thanks, such a great job on really useful, relevant information!” – Kate, Homer
“Excellent presentation! Good pace and enjoyable to listen to!” – Melinda, Anchorage
“Michaela, your Frequency Healing presentation was very informative and helpful. I love the success stories!” Niko, California
“I have a recurring knee injury with chronic pain. My knee was swollen, painful and very weak when I received the frequency machine treatment from Michaela. Within five minutes, I could feel a gentle but prominent sensation in my Bladder Meridian to the left of my spine. I was aware of becoming more pain-free in my knee about halfway through the session. The swelling and weakness had completely vanished before I went to sleep that night. The following day, I was able to climb stairs, ladders and steep hills with absolutely zero discomfort! Typically, I would need up to a week of pain pills, ice packs and staying off my feet to get the same results that came from one single treatment. Thank you so very much, Michaela, for introducing me to this amazing machine!” – Morningstar, Alaska
“100% gorgeous presentation, Michaela! Clear, articulate, focused and your heart comes through!” – Liz, Canada
“Excellent presentation on every level! Professional, sensitive and packed with information! Thank you!” – Melinda & Dave, Alaska
“Great information! I will totally resonant with everything you said!” – Nikki, UK
“Thank you for such a great presentation!” – Pua, Colorado

What is Solfeggio Healing?
4 Hour Zoom Recorded Class with Randy Masters
In this 4 hour class, Randy will teach you about:
- The origin of these 6 numbers as a Biblical Code
- What the word Solfeggio is about
- The Latin translations offering insights into the numbers
- The correct harmonic names passed on “hidden” prime number resonances
- The light values and colors of all 18 tones as light frequencies in 2 scientific formats and the color healing correlations
- The sacred Geometry ratio correlations
- The Root Reduction aspects or Theosophical Reduction
- Some of the healing applications that have been discovered
- Busting false info on the Solfeggios found in other writings and the Internet
- Chakra healing associations
- The missing 19th note of C# needed to complete a chromatic scale
- The story of the discovery of the original 6 numbers
- Vortex math and the Enneagram layout
- Ways to use these numbers as frequencies with tuning forks and other instruments that can be tuned accurately.
- Basic aspects of Gematria or Alpha Numerics important to these numbers.
- Select meanings of certain Solfeggio numbers