Opening and Closing Ceremonies for your gatherings or conferences.

You can book Grandmother Drum International Peace Project to conduct Opening and Closing Ceremonies for major events, festivals, conferences and indigenous gatherings.

Cross Cultural Performance: Opening Ceremonies Hawaii 2009
Mayan Fire Ceremony Tikal, Guatemala 2007
Cross Cultural Performance: Opening Ceremonies: Austria 2013
Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony: Germany 2013
Mayan Fire Ceremony Iximche Guatemala 2007
Cultural Ceremony: Australia 2003
Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony: Silbury Hill, UK 2013
Opening Ceremonies: Jerusalem, Israel 2009
Opening Tour Ceremony: Salcantay, Peru 2010
Cultural Ceremony Monte Alban, Mexico 2012
Cultural Ceremony, Lake Titicaca, Peru 2010
Aboriginal Ceremony, NSW Australia 2003
Cultural Ceremony: Big Island Hawaii 2010
Cultural Performance Parade: Australia 2003
Opening Ceremony Zorba Festival Israel, 2009
“Thinking about the Alchemeyez Arts Festival event in Hawaii, I needed to let you know that in my opinion the whole festival would have been a lovely but chaotic free-for-all, hadn’t it been for the grounding as well as highly spiritual energy of your Opening and Closing ceremonies! Looking forward to more shared special adventures. Blessings from Colorado.” – Martina Hoffman, Visionary Artist
“I wanted to say thank you for your amazing work of putting together the Celebration for Bela! It was very, very heartfelt! I love you! -Pragyana, Alaska
Suraj: If it wasn’t because of your love and generosity the outpouring of love that touched everybody ‘s heart couldn’t have happened. Around the world it resonated. Thanks so much dear friend Eternally grateful. Kabira, Hawaii
You did such an incredible job with the Celebration Zoom call for Bela. Love you girls. Wish you were here! – Salila, Alaska