Drumming for Love, Unity, Peace & Earth Sustainability

DRUM FOR CHANGE GLOBAL NETWORK: Unites Drummers & Flutists across the world on all solstices and equinoxes, holding the pulse of Mother Earth to strengthen the heartbeat of unity and oneness.
DRUM FOR CHANGE GLOBAL NETWORK offers a week long DRUMKEEPERS INITIATION building hand drums and COMMUNITY MOTHER DRUMS and training drum keepers to hold sacred space in their communities promoting Unity and Peace through culture, music and the arts.
DRUM FOR CHANGE GLOBAL NETWORK: Raises funds from the heartbeat of our Community Drums for the ONEDOLLARFULL Campaign, creating sustainable communities worldwide through the idea of ONE person+ ONE dollar = ONE Global Community.
We are joined by over 360 cities in 80 countries. We are joined in the heartbeat of peace with the following organizations:
Global Peace Foundation
Global Love Day
8,000 Drums
10 Billion Beats
King David Drummers
World Didgerdoo Meditation
“Thank you so much for the lovely drumming ceremony. After hearing about it for so long, it was great to experience it. It was powerful and up lifting.” -Janine, Alaska
“Thank you for the opportunity to give my love and healing to our planet.
I am very honored to have been a part of this! And will be for life! Being a part of this has changed my life… Thank you Grandmother Drum .. Thank you Suraj Holzwarth. Thank you to my Community Mother Drum Hokshidehey! ” -Ticia, Alaska ”
“Beautiful group, we joined on the 22nd Drum For Change with 13 people from Tuscany in Italy. Ready for the Next Drum Night! -Lucia, Italy
“So good to know we are all tuned in the Drum for Change. I have been working a lot with grounding Drum Circle in Norway lately. Our facebook group is called The Tribe Drum Circles. I heard the calling and started back around 2012 with healing circles for Mother Earth and all living beings. Made my own drum in September last year, and made the group this spring. To listen to you, and connect with the group, makes tears in my eyes. much love. Elin, Norway