Through positive global prayer and drumming, Grandmother Drum International Peace Project
has “drummed up support” for many Sustainable Global Project’s.

In addition to our ongoing DRUM FOR CHANGE GLOBAL NETWORK and annual BLUE FLAME PLANETARY GRID CEREMONY, here are some of the project’s we’ve supported.
Homer Alaska. Grandmother Drum is the heartbeat at the SHELL NO Protest in Homer Alaska. Shell planneds to conduct exploratory drilling in the Chukchi’s biologically rich waters – important to Bowhead and Beluga whales, walrus, polar bears and dozens of other irreplaceable species. Drilling in these remote and treacherous waters exposes wildlife to the risks of ship strikes, noise, and uncontainable spills. On Sept 28, 2015 Shell said it will end oil exploration in offshore Alaska “for the foreseeable future”.
Homer Alaska. Grandmother Drum sounded the heartbeat of the oceans to protect life at the Homer Protest. The U.S. Navy is planning to expand military training exercises across 42,000 square miles of the Gulf of Alaska, which would involve a massive armada with live fire munitions, hazardous waste dumping and underwater sonar known to harm marine mammals. -This issue is still being resolved. See more at:
Pahoa Big Island, Hawaii. Our Community Mother Drum, “Amazon Queen” was called out to conduct ceremony at the recent lava flow in Pahoa Hawaii where it was predicted by scientists to advance within a few days to take out the first stores in the village. We held a ceremony with the Hawaiian community to prevent the lava from advancing and destroying Pahoa. Since that very day in Dec 2014 ceremony the lava stalled and has redirected.
Chinchero, Peru. We held a full day ceremony with our Community Mother Drum, “Amazon Queen” by request of the village women weavers of Chinchero, Peru as we continued our prayers to prevent an international airport from being constructed outside of Cusco, Peru. A smaller airport already exists for tourism and makes Cusco an easy one hour flight from Lima. An international airport would bring harmful impacts to people, lands, air, animals, waters and the very cultural heritage that Peru relies upon for cultural and recreation tourism. This airport is still currently being proposed.

Glastonbury England. Grandmother Drum sounded her healing vibration at a special Water Blessing Ceremony at the Glastonbury White, Red and Blue Springs, said to be some of England’s most healing waters.
Mexico City, Mexico. A full day ceremony with our Community Mother Drum, “Amazon Queen” was held at the Mexican Sacred Site of Mt. Moctezuma with Otomi Elder Chuen and Rainbow Warriors to preserve this sacred site from development which would destroy eagle habitat.

2008 WATERWAY PROTECTED: Delaware River, New Jersey
Grandmother Drum made an 18,000 USA Tour bringing public awareness to protect our waterways and raised funds for international water projects through donations to Blue Planet Run. In a full day ceremony we joined Cherokee Elder Danawa at the Delaware River to preserve a new section of the Delaware being threatened by chemical dumping. The next day the legislation passed.

Grandmother Drum made the 18,000 mile “Eagle and Jaguar Tour” from Alaska to Guatemala, collecting indigenous seed, and starting our DRUM FOR CHANGE GLOBAL NETWORK.The network builds Community Drums and trains DrumKeepers to use Community Drums to plant seeds for sustainable communities and bring public awareness to prevent GMO. The native seed we collected was given and preserved into Seeds of Change seed bank, Oregon Seed Bank and Canadian Seed Bank.

Cooper Pedy, Australia. Grandmother Drum held ceremony to prevent a nuclear waste dump in the Australian desert. Through sustained public awareness, Aborginal Grandmother Eileen Kampakuta Brown was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2003 together with Eileen Wani Wingfield, for efforts to stop governmental plans for nuclear waste dump in Australia’s wild desert land, and for protection of their land and culture. Brown (with other elder women) formed the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta, Cooper Pedy Women’s Council, in 1995. In August 2004 the Australian government abandoned its plans for the nuclear waste dump, after a court decision.
Anchorage, Alaska. Grandmother Drum was the heartbeat of the “We the People” Native Subsistence March 2001 and 2002, the largest human rights march ever to be held in Alaska. With the overwhelming support of the people, Athabascan Elder Katie John overturned the Supreme Court ruling for her right to use her fish wheel and feed over 200 grandchildren. The March was instrumental in the preservation of indigenous hunting and fishing rights in Alaska.
My gratitude for the Mauthausen Healing Ceremony, for the meetings with you and everything I experienced. There are no with words to describe. I send you my boundless gratitude. -Love Katja, Austria