Awakening Heart Consciousness in Humanity
Every other month we offer a FREE 1 HOUR ZOOM Call with White Eagle Medicine Woman & Michaela Baumgartner for all students on and our certified trainings and online programs to share their personal awakenings of consciousness, ask questions, deepen their practice and get inspired!
Submit your questions ahead of time HERE.
NEXT HEART OF ONE Spiritual Circle February 22, 2o25
Time: 9:00am HAWAII Time
Topic: Heart of One Spiritual Circle
Time: Feb 22, 2025 09:00 AM Hawaii
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Submit your questions to White Eagle Medicine Woman HERE.
Listen to previous conference calls HERE
“We really enjoyed the conference call and I am very encouraged to continue reading and applying the teachings. Its also inspiring to hear all those distant voices calling in and feeling truly part of a Global Community.” -Ann, Australia
“Listened to you today and you really resonated so amazingly. Thank you!! You’re Amazing!!!” -Martin, Florida
Hi White Eagle, I just watched your zoom call. Ahhhh sweet messages and medicine in my soul today!!! Much Love and Gratitude to you!! –Toni, N. Carolina
Thank you for your support and presence at the Heart of One Spiritual Circle, Eigen, New Mexico
“Dear Michaela, thank you for such a wonderful and heartfelt Heart of One session! What a wonderful group session you created! I was so pleased to be there. It was just so timely to what I needed to hear. I immediately watched our zoom meeting a second time. What you shared in your story and quotes have layers of important signs and messages for me to integrate and resonate with me. I truly appreciate your heartfelt guidance and support to us all!” – Ayako, UK
“Dear Michaela, Thank you for leading the Heart of Once Call! Thanks for your insights and sharing. I love the quote: “I am following my heart’s highest excitement.” It was lovely to see the group and have an opportunity to reconnect again.” – Lisa, UK
“Thank you, Michaela, for your heartfelt call yesterday! Thank you both for your presence in my life. It is rare to find women like you.” Janne, Norway
“Excellent session, Michaela, on the Heart of One Call!” –Melinda and Dave, Anchorage
“My amazing Michaela, I finally had a night I could turn off the world and listen to your amazing teachings. You are beautiful, eloquent, a fantastic teacher and love flows from you. I enjoyed every single minute and learned so much. Thank you for sharing. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Much love!” – Jacque, California
“Michaela – thank you so much for sharing your very personal and potent story. It was powerful. Really appreciated the tips on how to reconnect with the pineal gland and open to more dreams. So lovely to be with this group. Thank you!” – Lisa, UK
“Thanks for sharing the Heart of One Call today, what a wonderful story!” – Diana, Canada
“I enjoyed your presentation on dreams and how to interpret them! Loved your personal story about the journey!” Melinda, Anchorage