The Global Art Collective is dedicated in loving memory of our staff artists Sierra Rae Parker, Tarika Kai Lea and Amrahla North whose creative genius now spans the cosmos..

The Global Art Collective fosters an expressive visionary culture worldwide through a vast scope of art including visionary paintings, multimedia presentations and film, digital media and music, book and book illustrations, art shows, ritual, performance and ceremonial arts.
Encouraged by the monuments of beauty throughout time, including Egyptian, Greek, Inca, Maya, and Renaissance periods, visionary artists become the designers and creators of a new cultural and spiritual landscape ushering the coming 1000 years of peace. In addition, a portion of all artist sales is donated to the ONEDOLLARFULL Campaign, raising funds for the Global Peace Sanctuary and Sustainable Community.
The Global Art Collective fosters an expressive visionary culture worldwide through a vast scope of art including golden age temples, gardens and installations with attention to astronomical and sacred geometry, energy generating earthen sculptures, earth resonate architecture, visionary paintings, multimedia presentations, digital media, book illustrations, ritual, performance and ceremonial arts and a forthcoming Artist in Residence Program.
Featured Artists:
Sierra’s Rae Parker: Sierra’s Designs
“It was such a beautiful evening at Sierra’s Designs Art Show! I have two amazing paintings in my loft now! Salila, Anchorage
I am so happy Sierra’s Designs Art Show was such a success!!! You have honored your daughter by sharing her incredible talent with our community!! Well done!! – Kathy, Alaska
“You poured your heart and soul into Sierra’s Designs Art Show and created something moving, beautiful and healing! Thank you for sharing your gifts!!! Sierra’s artwork always makes me smile in my heart. When we ask youth what they need the most, mental health is number one.
Thank you for everything you do for us all… bridging the gap of our worlds and finding ways for us to heal.” Doug, Alaska
“Very well done. Imagine Sierra’s energy going further out in her artwork due to her spreading art. What a wonderful art show event in your daughter’s honor. Thank you for sharing. Kaminer, Austria
“Your painted drums are powerful beloved…. I love when your art also takes us on journeys!” – Tarika, Hawaii
” Your drum shield artwork is so touching and beautiful. I am keeping a picture to use in my meditation. – Jim, Florida
“White Eagle. Thank you so much from my hand painted Baby Drum, wow, wow and wow! It means so much to me and I will treasure it forever! xx Kristen, California
“White Eagle, thank you for all the love you’re bringing to our world. My daughter loves your Magic Bundle book! – Skekinah, Alaska
Just received the “Holy Ground” CD today. I have only one word: Amaaazing. Thank you SiStars – it will be heard again and again and again……Stig TuriMoi, Denmark
“Holy Ground CD is holy wow! It is soooo very beautiful. – Carol, Alaska
“It’s here! It’s here! The Holy Ground CD! Thanks for taking on all these challenges to bring this wonderful music into this world together with all the great people. It’s awesome how you can hear the depth of the sounds, if it was recorded in a cave or a church…I would have never guessed that’s possible! I am absolutely in awe and so grateful to be able to listen to the songs. I don’t know what to say…there are no words for my feelings. Thank you so much. – Katja, Denmark
“I keep wanting to say something about my drum you painted but there are no words to convey what’s in my heart. I am speechless! It’s exceptional. It’s perfect in every way. You’ve outdone yourself!! Thank you,” -Ticia, Alaska
“The work you do is very inspirational, and I’m very happy to be a part of it. Seeing my work featured on your website really surprised me, and I’m very grateful to have gotten the opportunity to show my work. I never realized how much your organization does for people and for the world. Most of all I would like to thank you, and although we didn’t have much time to talk or get to know each other, it’s an experience I will not forget. Thank you for everything” –Steve Wyatt