Baby Drum


SKU: N/A Category:


Baby Drums are small replicas of the seven-foot GrandMother Drum. They are also replicas of a South American kulxtrun drum, bringing together the bowl shape of the South American Drum with skin of a North American animal. This is to symbolize the coming together of the Eagle and Condor Prophecy and the unification of the Americas. The Baby Drum Project began in 2000 as a fundraiser to support the building and travels of GrandMother Drum in her worldwide vision of promoting Unity, Peace and Life among all earth’s peoples.

Made in ceremony, these drums are made from beautiful wooden bowls of cherry, beech, walnut or birch bowls covered with elk hide. To represents the four elements, these drums are filled with crystals, sacred herbs, seeds, shells and feathers and can be rattled, played with a stick or by hand. When you drum, you activate these sacred elements for the renewal of all life on Mother Earth.

Your drum is numbered and can be registered into our DRUM FOR CHANGE GLOBAL NETWORK. Join over 360 cities in 60 countries drumming for unity and peace on all solstices and equinoxes!

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Drum Size

8", 10", 12', 15", 17"

Drum Hide

Elk, Buffalo