Balancing The Shields Level 2 Training


Level 2: Students must complete Level 1 to move deeper in Level 2.

In Level 2 we will deepen the Balancing the Shields practices through the Light and Dark Mirrors, Dimensional Shields, Psychic Cleansing of the Shields, polishing of the shields through the Seven Dancers and through the deeper mastery of the Transformative Communication© practices.


Balancing the Shields JulieBalancing The Shields Level 2 is a unique holistic life coaching method for teachers, healers and coaches to assist others to discover their true purpose and restore their passion and power to live it.

Balancing The Shields is rooted in traditional indigenous shamanism (shamanic journeywork, ceremony, medicine shields work, breath work, meditation, visualization, voice, toning, drumming and trance dancing) and supported by the best of contemporary psychological therapies (Neuro-linguistic programming, family constellation, inner child and family systems work). As the soul is fully reunited with the body, mind and spirit, a deep inner joy and peace are felt, releasing the untapped potential to live the life you dream.

Level 2: Students must complete Level 1 to move deeper in Level 2. In Level 2 we will deepen the Balancing the Shields practices through the Light and Dark Mirrors, Dimensional Shields, Psychic Cleansing of the Shields, polishing of the shields through the Seven Dancers and through the deeper mastery of the Transformative Communication© practices.


All cancellations must be received in writing. With at least 60 days notice of cancellation, we will refund you for the workshop fee minus 10% cancellation fee. If you cancel within 59-31 days of workshop, no refunds will be issued but the workshop fee is transferrable to courses and workshops within one year minus 20% cancellation fee. If notice of cancellation is within 30 days or less, workshop fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. If you book your workshop within 30 days of the workshop start date and choose to cancel, the full value of your workshop will be forfeited. Workshop fees are also non-refundable and non transferable for no-shows or for students that choose to leave the workshop early. Although cancellations are rare, we do recommend purchasing travel insurance, which is usually available through your credit card company for a fee.

” I have gone through the Balancing the Shields Session with White Eagle! I am so very grateful to have gifted myself with that opportunity. I now feel prepared to not only stand, but to walk my path forward into this next wonderful stage of my journey. Like most everyone, I have my story and my traumas….but this healing session in particular has shed light on my next steps towards freedom in a very potent and accessible way. – Mahalo Nui Loa!!! -Rayenna Michelle

“I really feel different today from Balancing the Shields, and the best word I can use to describe it is integrated.
Other words are whole and complete. In ways I have never been before, at least not in my memory.
So powerful. Your work. Your powerful facilitation of my work on myself.
What a wonderful blessing! Deepest Love and Thanks.”
– Don Knapp, Alaska



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