Hummingbird Flower Essences Set


Our Hummingbird Flower & Gem Essence Line are homeopathic remedies providing a gentle & sweet support for you to “Do the Impossible” in your life  including changing long standing habits, starting new projects or simply opening doors of renewed self  confidence, creativity, self love, inner peace & a sense of purpose.
Made with love in ceremony with Alaskan Wildflowers, Crystals, Pure Ohlson Mt. Spring Water, Organic Vegetable Glycerin & activated by crystal inlaid flutes & Alaska’s 7ft  crystal inlaid Grandmother Drum.


Doing the ImpossibleDoing the Impossible

Flower and Gem: Lupine & Denali Quartz

Key Words: Reinvent, Regenerate, Realign, Rebirth,

Description: Lupine opens a new cycle and lighting the way for the years to come. This essence is for Doing the Impossible particularly emotionally, psychically & spiritually so you finally fully aligned to your true soul essence & self. Denali Quartz also challenges the human soul to greater acts of generosity, kindness and service to self & others. This  essence assists you with the courage to begin a higher spiral of conscious evolution, to transform, rebirth & reinvent ones life.

Affirmation:  I can do the impossible and reinvent and rebirth my life.

Enhance BlissEnhance Bliss

Flower and Gem: White Bedstraw & Clear Quartz

Key Words: Holy Communion, Spiritual Bliss, Higher, Communication, Tranquility

Description: Bedstraw is the light fiber of the soul & works on strengthening the chakra connections to provide clear channels of communication with the divine. Promotes tranquility, deep states of meditation, expanded consciousness and understanding. Bedstraw & quartz also brings clarity, deep and renewing sleep & guidance through lucid dreaming.

Affirmation: I am deeply at peace and connected to my soul and spirit.

Loss 2 LoveLoss 2 Love

Flower and Gem: Fireweed & Rose Quartz Restoring

Key Words: Restoring Oneself after Devasting Loss

Description: As the first plant and first wild flower to grow within a week after a destructive forest fire, this tall and bold flower opens, softens, and strengthens the heart and supports the entire body to transform after loss. It builds a foundation and inner loyalty and resource of self love. Doubling one’s own personal power, it clarifies a deeper awakening to the soul’s purpose, path and truth while establishing a new, ever deeper and higher spiritual relationship with loved ones.

Affirmation: I let go and allow a a higher spiritual relationship with myself and others to begin.

Loving What IsLoving What Is

Flower and Gem: Rose & Rose Quartz

Key Words:Focusing on the Positive, Gratitude for What IS working in Your Life

Description: Made together on the same day with the Loss 2 Love essence, Loving What Is now begins to shift our attention, energy and love from what is not to WHAT IS. It plants a brand new seed of awareness, orienting us to divine will and to being in gratitude that divine right action is always taking place. With this radical shift comes more self love, joy and confidence to take each divinely orchestrated next step of one’s path with a renewed sense of purpose.

Affirmation: I am deeply grateful to the divine right action always happening in my life.

Self ConfidenceSelf Confidence

Flower and Gem: Goldenrod & Amber

Key Words: Self Confidence, Stability & Personal Power

Description: Known as the ‘Grandparents of the Forest’ goldenrod provides stability, security, and a spiritual back bone of self trust and confidence. As a child of the sun, goldenrod helps you radiate your personal power and courage, and the golden nectar of strength & vitality. Amber absorbs negative energy, promotes creative expression, decision making, spontaneity, wisdom, balance and patience, clears phobias and fears, and balances emotions.

Affirmation: I am standing strong and have everything I need within me.

Soul DestinySoul Destiny

Flower and Gem: Forget Me Not & Sodalite

Key Words: Remembering Soul Purpose, Higher Communication,

Description: Ancestral Memory Forget Me Not brings a vibrant and dynamic connection with spiritual teachers and guides; deep soul memory of karmic patterns affecting your destiny; alignment with your soul’s purpose through higher guidance. Sodalite gives you the strength and energy boost you need to teleport to a higher consciousness where universal truths wake up the soul to remember and restore its destined path of beauty.

Affirmation: I always know the very next step on my soul path and purpose.


Our Hummingbird Flower & Gem Essence Line are homeopathic remedies providing a gentle and sweet support for you to “Do the Impossible” in your life including changing long standing habits, starting new projects or simply opening doors of renewed self confidence, creativity, self love, inner peace & a sense of purpose.

Made with love in ceremony with Alaskan Wildflowers, Crystals, Pure Ohlson Mt. Spring Water, Organic Vegetable Glycerin & activated by crystal inlaid flutes & Alaska’s 7ft crystal inlaid Grandmother Drum.These essences contain NO ALCOHOL.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

2oz, 4oz


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