Magic Bundle Children’s Book


74 in stock


Grandmother Sees the Truth, her apprentice Orion and Grandfather White Feather will take you on a journey that is older than time itself, a story that begins East of the Sun and West of the Moon. In this magical ancient children’s story, you will find out what our Ancestors left inside the Magic Bundle for all of us so long ago.

This medicine story reveals the truth of our Oneness and the promise of Peace on Earth. 64 pages, 36 full cover.


“Your Magic Bundle children’s book has arrived. Many thanks for the wonderful book! ♥ I read it today to my son (18 yrs). It has really touched our hearts ♥ I will read it to my grandchildren also. We will also work with children on our Onatah Drum Tour, and we will recommend this wonderful book. Yet again many thanks and greetings from heart to heart, Love to you drum sister” ♥ ♥ ♥ Marion Anaya Mira’Adjana Staar, Germany

 White Eagle, Thank you for all the love you’re bringing to our world. My daughter loves your Magic Bundle book!- Skekinah, Alaska