“The Language of One, 64 Lessons of Metatron” in book form!
These revised and edited 64 Lessons are taught by the Ascended Master Metatron through White Eagle Medicine Woman. Metatron’s teachings are like a laser, giving us detailed guidance and clarity on the next level of awakening our fullest Divine Potential by activating the soundscapes of our Prismatic Fire Light Body in communion with the Dream of Mother Earth.
These teachings have never been given to humanity in their totality before. Are you ready to awaken to a whole new level of being and clarify your own soul purpose? Are you ready to accelerate your miraculous power to be the living hands of the Creator in the here and now? Are you ready to live your sacred purpose and serve the personal and planetary healing work unfolding on Mother Earth at this time? Then this book is for you! 234 pages, color charts. THIS BOOK INCLUDES A FREE CD: Metatron Lesson 64: I am NOT.
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