My Bright Star Music Track (Digital Download)

"My Bright Star" Digital Audio Download

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Background of the Loss2Love Music CD Project

After a series of losing five immediate family members in four years, Whirling Rainbow Foundation’s Executive Director and renowned spiritual healer, teacher and musician, White Eagle Medicine Woman (Suraj Holzwarth) then in 2022 had to face a parent’s worst nightmare, the loss of her 33 year old only daughter Sierra Rae. During this unconceivable time of anguish and grief, White Eagle realized the lack of effective grief and trauma resources, particularly for bereaved parents. At the same time, her daughter began speaking to her through automatic writing, assisting her in seeing death with a whole new pair of eyes and becoming a beacon for her mother to heal. As part of the launch of the Loss2Love Project, these writings will be released in 2025 in a book entitled “Mother of Pearl: From Breakdown to Breakthrough After Losing My Daughter.” These writings are designed to bring a greater spiritual understanding to the loss of a child and help parents to navigate the unimaginable. These writings are also the foundation of the lyrics in the first Love2Love music track, “My Bright Star.”

Background of The First Track: “My Bright Star”

During this same time, White Eagle met Ivan Sembatya, a young 26 year old orphaned Ugandan young man who posted on face book his dire situation living in poverty in the ghetto of Bwaise, Uganda. After Ivan lost his job during COVID and his possessions stolen, he sat in ankle deep water in a tiny leaking room as floods and violence ravaged outside his door. Ivan was days from being homeless once again and considered suicide as many other young men in this ghetto had already done that week when they could no longer provide for themselves and their families. Suraj immediately intervened and befriended the young man. She learned of Ivan’s background, an orphan who lost both his parents at six years old and the two began a bond through their shared pain, a mother who lost her child and a child who lost his parents.

Their friendship and healing grew over the last year and a half. Ivan now calls White Eagle “mama” and White Eagle gave Ivan the endearing nickname “Simba”. From Alaska to Africa they informally adopted one another and began to share more deeply their path and their struggles. The Whirling Rainbow Foundation has since assisted Ivan in a GoFundMe for his basic needs, a new computer and printer so he might get work and supporting Simba in getting work, medical care and living outside the ghetto. In the process of their ongoing online communication, White Eagle learned Simba was a talented graphic artist, singer and songwriter and hired him to assist her in creating the first track of the Loss2Love CD Project, “My Bright Star”. With her daughter Sierra’s help from the Spirit World, White Eagle & Sierra wrote the lyrics and Simba wrote the baseline melody. This song depicts the conversation between mother and daughter across worlds. It depicts the raw anguish of a mother and the wisdom of her angel child to carry her mother and all of us into a new future of greater spiritual understanding, healing and inspiration.

Within months, White Eagle reconnected with Singer songwriter Sarah Bethany who had performed with the Grandmother Drum Ensemble over the years and seemed the perfect lead voice for “ My Bright Star”. Sarah was deeply moved by the project and said a resounding yes to being the voice of My Bright Star. Shortly after her husband and renowned music, video producer and percussionist, Michael Surprenant also joined the project.

In the process, we would learn that Sarah had some musical recording contacts in Kampala, Uganda with the non-profit Love to Love Foundation and the magical connections were made for Simba to receive support for his musical talents which is now giving him musical coaching and recording opportunities.

Our vision with ” My Bright Star” is to create the song and a music video with diverse ethic artists across the world, singing this uplifting song together.  Most of the artists who have come together are award winning and at the top of their field, many have Grammys and Tony awards and their work has been featured on CBS, Motown, ABC, NBC, 20th Century Films, Lucasfilms, Marvel Studios and the like.

Read more about the Loss2Love Music CD Project here.

“Amazing My Bright Star concert last night. Every song reached deep emotionally. We both enjoyed it very much. I will listen again later this morning to the track. looking forward to it. Mahalo nui loa. Hugs.”- Dave, Anchorage

“My heart is full. My eyes are filled with tears. A gift to the world! The angels are dancing with divine joy as the humans smile with divine radiance! Mahalo to all of you! Sierra is so happy to be your shining star! She is glowing in divine light!”- Linda, Florida

“This My Bright Star concert was so beautiful! I was crying when I first got online and especially during the chats you did … It reminded me of when I was with you during the week of ceremonies for protection of the waters …Delaware River . I love the song My Bright Star!! It was really so beautifully done and I could feel the angels and your daughters presence.” Pamela, New Jersey

“That song, it is so very moving. I can only touch the edges of it. What a beautiful event”- Doug, Alaska

 “Just listening to My Bright Star and I’m crying. That was so beautiful and powerful. I’m utterly speechless. Y’all did such an amazing job! Josie, Alaska

We listened in the car today on the way to Hilo…it’s beautiful! Major motion picture, just like you wanted! The quality of the song is so professional too. A grand tribute and gift to Sierra, indeed. Congratulations! 💜Keri, Hawaii

 “It’s brilliant”- Claire, Hawaii

“Gorgeous Song”- Rashani, Hawaii

 “What a beautiful tribute to your beloved Sierra!!! Aho with all my love to you. Brave Mother!!!! With my love- Ofra- Israel

 Oh my words can’t touch the love, beauty and healing of this amazing masterpiece!!! I sat with tears in my eyes as my heart is with you in joy of this creation. I’m so happy you have a circle of Beloved ones close that are with you and this expression from on high!! So many will be lifted up and held with this lovely creation!!! Much Love !! Toni, North Carolina

 “Powerful! The conversation between you and your daughter, just beautiful, the music and the lyrics.”- Margaret, Alaska

 “I cried when I listened to this. So much power, so much beauty. I felt so full of sorrow and joy all at the same time. I can only imagine how healing this must be for you, but I’m honored to get a tiny glimpse of the transformation. Just thank you.” -Courtney, Oregon

 “Tears…………The refrain is in my head. Shining, shining. The universal consciousness we are part of is the mystery of our human experience. It’s overwhelming. Love that you have been able to put it to words and song.”- Carol, Florida

 “I just listened to the song and immediately started crying. This song really is amazing. So beautiful and deeply touching. And i am Sure not only for me or other friends or family who know the whole background of the Song. Sarah has a beautiful voice. The melody is very stirring and varied. The lyrics deeply touching. Congratulations. Standing Ovation! – Birgid, Austria

 “I got the new song and cried the whole time I was listening to it. What a beautiful song. Thanks for writing it and making it come to life!!!” – Sonika, Utah

 “So…wow! Just wow! What a beautiful composition. I loved the conversations between mother and daughter, like a love letter…so raw, vulnerable and emotional. The transformation of the relationship was so beautifully sung and written. I listened again while reading the lyrics.  Damn, amazing job, everyone  It’s my wish this song reach all who need to hear this beautiful melody to soothe their heart and give them hope.’- Nikki, Alaska

 “ Thank you for this lovely video compilation of the concert and nice job patching it all together! Beautiful, singing, and music, including some lovely, haunting, flute playing 💕”- Taz, Alaska

 “So beautiful! The song My Bright Star gave me goosebumps! What a wonderful tribute to your daughter! Blessings upon you on her!” – Shanti, California

That was a superb concert celebration and incredible music throughout the experience. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️,-Catherine, Alaska

“Dear White Eagle: I’m sending gratitude from the center of my heart for the link to your “My Bright Star” recording. Such a deeply moving gift of healing it carries. Blessings to you and your Whirling Rainbow family in my beloved Alaska. I will think of you all when we grandmothers come together to offer our heartfelt prayers through the rhythms of the mother drum that shares my northern California home. Love and light right back to you and all of yours, Jannirose/Bright Morning Star