Spiritual Counseling Session with White Eagle -1.5 hr



1.5 hr Session

White Eagle Medicine Woman has toured 20 countries inspiring and teaching a million people how to live with passion, power, purpose and presence. Her spiritual counsel and guidance can assist and inspire you with clear insight, wisdom and understanding in the “how to’s” of walking your own unique mystical soul’s path with practical feet.


Thank you for the beautiful session. Incredibly liberating and powerful. Miigwetch. Mitakuye Oyasin– William, Canada

” Thank you for supporting me so much these past years. I am so lucky to have you as I find my place in the world, and find my strength. Thank you for reminding me to trust myself, and be myself. I can’t wait to see where all this goes, and I owe a great deal to you and your teachings”– Lisa W, California

“Beloved your energetic presence is GIGANTIC. I feel your quiet and it’s loud. Nothing less from a powerful shaman and warrior queen that you are! Thank you and Be well – Amazon Roberts, Costa Rica

“Dear beautiful heart! I am in complete reverence for your light in this world. Thank you for being here and sharing your journey of transformation with us. They night after I reached out to you, you came to me in dream time. You placed your hands on my feet and then tuned into my crystal light body. You said that I had a holographic imprinting in my body that was not serving me and removed it. The dream was very lucid and I am deeply humbled by your presence appearing to me when you were going through such a personally journey of your own. It really shows me the multidimensional essence of your being. Aloha y Mahalo. Mahalo Mahalo.”-Ambaress – Massachusetts