Zeolite Powder


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The human body requires only a minimal amount of metals including vanadium, strontium, manganese, copper, colbalt, zinc, and molybdenum. Unfortunately, even the good heavy metals can become toxic if too much are absorbed. Bad heavy metals consist of mercury, lead, arsenic (being the worst), cadmium, and aluminum just to name a few. One of the ways to cleanse your body of these harmful substances is by using zeolite powder. Zeolites are formed by volcanoes. As soon as a volcano erupts, the molten lava combines with thick ash poured out onto the ground. When the ash from the volcano mixes with sea salt, the mineral zeolites are formed.

Zeolites are a natural mineral that has a cage like structure and has a negative charge. This negative charge acts like a magnet to attract toxins and heavy metals into its cage like structure and carry them out of your body. It also balances the PH levels in your body which doesn’t allow foreign cells, such as cancer cells, to grow.

Zeolites are found in both liquid and powder form. The powder form is currently the only recommended form to use and has been proven by scientific studies to be the most effective. Over the course of time, everyone will absorb high levels of heavy metals. Once the metals build up, they begin breaking down the body’s cell structure and cause a rapid number of free radicals to produce, eventually leading to a poor immune system and in several cases, cancer.

There are more people developing cancer today than ever before. Just since 1947, the cancer rate has risen from 4% to 40%. More people are paying less attention to their environment and the foods they eat. Taking zeolite powder absorbs toxins, heavy metals, unwanted chemicals, and strengthens the immune system. You might be surprised to know that zeolites have also been a long-time preventative for cold and flu viruses.

This amazing crystalline mineral zeolite powder is capable of adsorbing and absorbing many different types of gases, moisture, petrochemicals, heavy metals, low-level radioactive elements and a multitude of various solutions.
The FDA has provided zeolite with a G.R.A.S rating which means, “Generally Recognized As Safe”. There are quite a few cleanses out there with a long list of side effects, but zeolites are not one of them. Using zeolites to cleanse your body will balance your pH levels, making it almost impossible for sicknesses to develop.

Another benefit of taking zeolite powder is the affect that it has on the body’s digestive system. After removing heavy metals and other unwanted toxins, the digestive system can absorb nutrients more effectively. It can also put an end to diarrhea, acid reflux, gas, and constipation.

When heavy metals are removed from the body, normal functioning can finally take place again. Any health ailment that you may be suffering from including headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, weight gain, severe weight loss, cancer, allergies, and digestive problems are most likely being caused by the buildup of pollutants and heavy metals in your body.
The body is designed to heal itself, but is unable to do so when weighted down. The zeolites found in zeolite powder contain large spaces that attract the negative substances so that they are naturally eliminated from the body. So it makes sense to do a zeolite detox. Recommeded dose 1/8- 1 teaspoon daily in smoothies or juices. One month supply $20.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 5 in